personal photo of Vincent Mousseau

Vincent Mousseau

Tagline:PhD in Health Student @ Dalhousie University | Registered Social Worker (QC, ON, NS)

Montréal, QC, Canada


Vincent Mousseau is a Montréal-based social worker and PhD student at Dalhousie University, specializing in the intersection of identity development, mental health, and community resilience within Black LGBTQ+ populations. Grounded in an abolitionist, anti-racist, and decolonial approach, Vincent’s work is deeply informed by personal experience and academic research, particularly focusing on how ballroom culture can serve as a transformative space for individuals navigating the complexities of intersecting identities. Their research not only explores these dynamics but also actively contributes to the creation of supportive, inclusive communities that honour both individual and collective experiences of Black queer and trans people.

With a Master of Science in Social Work and extensive experience in both community and academic settings, Vincent brings a unique perspective to their work, bridging theory and practice in a way that is accessible and impactful. They are committed to using their knowledge and skills to foster spaces where marginalized voices are heard and celebrated, particularly through their involvement in the kiki ballroom scene. Vincent’s dedication to social justice is evident not only in their professional pursuits but also in their personal commitment to activism, education, and community building.


  • Doctor of Philosophy

    from: 2022, until: present

    Field of study:HealthSchool:Dalhousie UniversityLocation:Kjipuktuk, Mi'kma'ki (Halifax, NS)


    Research topic: The impacts of anti-Black homophobia and transphobia on health and social care access for Black gbtq+MSM in Canada

  • Master of Science

    from: 2020, until: 2022

    Field of study:Social WorkSchool:Université de MontréalLocation:Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC)


    Research topic: Black LGBTQ+ identity development in Québec
    Dean’s Honour List

  • Bachelor of Social Work

    from: 2017, until: 2020

    Field of study:Social WorkSchool:McGill UniversityLocation:Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC)


    Dean’s Honour List
    Golden Key International Honour Society

Scholarships & Awards

  • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

    date: 2022-09-01

    Issuer:Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


    The Government of Canada launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program in 2008 to strengthen Canada’s ability to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. Vanier Scholars demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

  • President's Award

    date: 2022-09-01

    Issuer:Dalhousie University


    The President’s Awards are intended to recognize the high academic achievements of students who have successfully been awarded major scholarships from the Tri-agency doctoral competitions.

  • Master's Research Scholarship

    date: 2021-09-01

    Issuer:Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture


    The objectives of this scholarship are to stimulate student interest in humanities and social sciences, arts and literature research, and to support research excellence by providing the best applicants with financial assistance to undertake or pursue a master’s research program in humanities and social sciences, arts and literature fields.

  • Laurent McCutcheon Scholarship

    date: 2021-05-17

    Issuer:Fondation Émergence


    The Laurent-McCutcheon scholarship is an excellence scholarship for master’s students whose research subject is the realities of people of sexual diversity and the plurality of gender identities and expressions (LGBTQ2+).

  • Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship

    date: 2020-09-01

    Issuer:Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


    he CGS M program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in an eligible master’s program in Canada. This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their studies in their chosen fields.

  • William and Nona Heaslip Scholarship

    date: 2018-09-01

    Issuer:McGill University


    Several awards, valued at up to $15,000 per year and renewable for two years, are awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Two of any degree program. The award is based on a combination of academic achievement, financial need, and community service.


  • À l’intersection des expériences : mieux comprendre le développement identitaire des populations Noires LGBTQ+ du Québec

    ThesisPublisher:Université de MontréalDate:2022
    Vincent Mousseau
  • Au-delà de la question culturelle: pour une intervention conscientisée aux réalités sociohistoriques des populations Noires de Montréal

    Journal ArticlePublisher:InterventionDate:2022
    Charlène LusikilaVincent Mousseau
  • “I Have a Right to Be Happy, to Flourish, and to Assert My Own Identity”: Black LGBTQ+ Identity Development in Quebec

    Conference PaperPublisher:5th International Sexuality and Social Work ConferenceDate:2023
    Vincent Mousseau

    Glasgow, Scotland

  • « Un souper presque parfait » : Construisons la résilience Noire à travers la communauté.

    Conference PaperPublisher:Le racisme en travail social, parlons-en ! Colloque sur les initiatives antiracistes au sein de la formation en travail social au QuébecDate:2022
    Vincent MousseauCaroline Keisha ForayCharlène LusikilaJessica Gilles

    Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC)


  • Bien intervenir auprès des communautés Noires LGBTQ+ du Québec

    Date: Sep 2021

    Event name: Chaire de recherche sur la diversité sexuelle et la pluralité des genres, UQAM .Location: Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC) .

  • Oser contester : Tournant vers nos racines radicales pour adresser l’inclusion raciale

    Date: Nov 2020

    Event name: Summit 2020: Resistance and Responsibility .Location: Unceded Coast Salish Territory (Vancouver, BC) .


  • Anxiety Management Group for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth

    date: 2020

    Organization:Project 10

  • Projet Kominote

    date: 2020



    À la lumière du manque de ressources socialement adaptées et des besoins grandissant des hommes Noirs qui aiment les hommes, RÉZO est en train de créer ce nouveau programme qui vise à intervenir auprès des hommes Noirs.

Teaching Experience

  • Critical Clinical Practice Foundations for Social Work Intervention (SLWK 5003)

    From: 2022, Until: 2022

    Organization:Dalhousie UniversityField:Social Work


    Fall 2022

  • Sexualités, genres et travail social (SVS 6426)

    From: 2022, Until: 2022

    Organization:Université de MontréalField:Social Work


    Winter 2022
    Teaching Assistant

  • Travail social, sexe et genre (SVS 2110)

    From: 2022, Until: 2022

    Organization:Université de MontréalField:Social Work


    Winter 2022
    Teaching Assistant

Journal Contributions

  • JMIR Nursing

    From: 2024

    To: 2024


Professional Experience

  • Registered Social Worker

    from: 2021, until: present

    Organization:Independent PracticeLocation:Montréal, QC

  • Registered Social Worker

    from: 2020, until: 2021

    Organization:Clinique medicale L'ActuelLocation:Montréal, QC

  • Project Officer, Kominote

    from: 2020, until: 2020

    Organization:RÉZOLocation:Montréal, QC

  • Research Assistant, #GotBlood2Give

    from: 2018, until: 2020

    Organization:McGill University, Ontario HIV Treatment NetworkLocation:Montréal, QC


  • Social Work License (Telepractice)

    Issue date: Jan 2022,

    Expires date: Dec 2024,

    Issued by: NSCSW .


    Nova Scotia College of Social Workers

  • Social Work License (Telepractice)

    Issue date: Feb 2021,

    Expires date: Jan 2025,

    Issued by: OCSWSSW .


    Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

  • Social Work License

    Issue date: May 2020,

    Expires date: Mar 2025,

    Issued by: OTSTCFQ .


    Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec


I am privileged to live, play, and work in Tiohtià:keunceded Indigenous territory also colonially referred to as Montréal, Québec, Canada. This territory has long served as a meeting place between nations, and the Kanien'kehá:ka are recognized as the keepers of these lands and waters.

I am a student at Dalhousie University. Located in Mi'kma'ki, it operates on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq. This territory is covered by the Peace and Friendship Treaties, established between the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik and Passamaquoddy Nations and the British Crown between 1725 and 1779. These treaties remain in force, and as such, we are all Treaty people. 

With collective rights tied to over 52 land-based communities, I also recognize the ongoing presence of African Nova Scotians. As a distinct people whose histories, legacies, and contributions have enriched that part of Mi’kma’ki known as Nova Scotia for over 400 years, I am honoured to have the opportunity to collaborate actively with African Nova Scotian communities in my work.